İşteMülakat'a Hoşgeldiniz.

Yazılım Uzmanı

275 Mülakat Süreci



Anonim Mülakat Katılımcısı

Yazılım Uzmanı
23 Ağustos 2024
Teklif Yapılmadı Ortalama Mülakat

Online görüşmeden sonra test case gönderdiler. Yapıp gönderdim ama hiçbir geri dönüş olmadı. Email gönderdim ona da cevap vermediler. Uğraştık test case'i çözdük bi cevap vermediler. Kısaca sorumsuz bir şirket.

Soru: details your task is to create a simple book search and bookmarking application where users can search for any related books by title, author or keywords by using google books api. user stories: • i want to search for books and see the results. • i want to register with e-mail and password. • i want to login to my account. • i want to add books to my bookmark list if i logged in. • i want to list my bookmarks if i logged in. • i want to remove a book from my bookmarks if i logged in. • i do not want to bookmark the same book twice. technical constraints you should use nodejs and postman. you should use a git repository that you have selected to store your project codes and keep decent history / commit messages and postman collection. you can use a public repository, but do not use “viravira” to name anything on your source code or repository. you have to create an user table for registration and login controls. you have to create a bookmark table to add, list and remove selected bookmarks by a user. you should paginate both the search results and bookmark list. users and bookmarks data should be stored on mysql. you have to use sequelize orm for the database operations. documentation your code repository should include a readme file. steps required to execute the code have to be documented. in the absence of documentation and the code not working, you will only be evaluated on code quality. bonus these are not a must but nice to haves; • use of 30mins redis cache where necessary. • microservice structure for users as client-service and bookmarks for book-service. timing you should complete this challenge in one week. deliverables git repository of the challenge. evaluation criteria functionality code quality documentation project layout

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